Staff Interview with Yosef

1. What do you do at Diamond Alloys?
II receive or remove the wheel and check for any damage the tyre and alloy may have. I then strip the wheel, help prepare the wheel for refurbishment and then when the alloy is complete I prepare it ready to be fitted and balanced.


2. What did you do before joining Diamond Alloys?
I was a technician at my local garage.

3. Why did you want to work in a workshop environment?

I have always worked in a workshop environment since I left school. I think it is what I do best. Plus I love cars, so it is great to be working in the industry.

4. What’s the best part of your job?

To see happy customers driving away with their alloy wheels refurbished.


5. What would you do if you were not a tyre fitter?
I would be a world champion touring car racer.……my ambitions are small!


6. How would you like to progress your skills at Diamond Alloys?
I would like to learn every aspect of the organisation, learn new skills on the job,  and help expand the business.


7. What are your alloys like on your own car?

8. If you could drive any car, what would it be, where would you drive it and who would be sitting next to you?

Nothing beats a spiritual drive by myself in my very own Escort Cosworth…what a car!


9. What gives you job satisfaction?
I get job satisfaction out of working with a team because I think this makes the work more efficient and gives you great team spirit. I joined Diamond Alloys for few months but already feel part of the team.


10. Should customers remove and replace tyres on their own?
If they have the right equipment. If not then good luck with that! Diamond Alloys customers offer removal, refitting and balancing for FREE all part of the service, so I would suggest people let us just do it for them.


 11. What advice can you give customers on how to maintain their tyres?
I would recommend they check their tyres before and after any long journey regularly checking the thread depth and tyre pressure. You can check the thread depth by using a 20p coin, you just need to insert the coin into the main grooves of your tyre and if the outer band of the 20p coin is visible, your tread depth may be illegal and you should have them checked by a qualified tyre specialist. Keep an eye of budges too as this is an indication there is a problem with the tyre.  Also, to extend life of your tyres make sure you read our caring tips for wheels and tyres.


12. What keeps you out of trouble in your spare time?

I attend race meetings and I am a big fan of British Touring Car Racing


13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I see myself driving in a Racing Championship sponsored by Diamond Alloys.



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